Welcome to UIPS!

United International Private School LLC is the first Philippine School in Dubai, UAE. The school was founded in September 1992 by Col. Mohammad Al Hersh and Dr. Mohamed ALNeyadi, the owners who share both great vision on providing quality education and meeting demands of the Philippine community in Dubai and the neighboring emirates.

The First Filipino School and Your Child's Second Home in Dubai


Early Childhood

Aligned with the DepEd K to 12 basic education curriculum, the UIPS prepares the children in their kindergarten years to be academically ready while honing their skills and talents.



The UIPS provides enhanced teaching strategies and improved learning styles based on the needs of the students in their primary years in school.



Composed of the Junior High School and Senior High School, the UIPS delivers an enriched education solution that will make the students be globally competitive, socially responsible, and environmentally aware individuals.

Philosophy of Education

Education is a process of growth by which a person learns, thinks and acts rationally and effectively. The opportunity to develop and master basic skills attitudes and desired values must be made available to each other learner according to his own pace and ability. The respect for race, culture, religion, physical stature and social status of people from different countries must be developed by each learner. The home, the community and the school are the most important institutions wherein the body, the mind and the character of the youth could be fully nurtured.


We are a dynamic educational institution that subscribes to a holistic development of mind and body through , Academic Excellence , Quality Performance , Respect for Human Values and Principles and Fervent Love of God, Country, Family and Fellow


At UIPS, we aim to inspire our students to be holistic, life-long learners, where they are prepared to adapt and succeed anywhere in a rapidly changing world. As a school community, we endeavor to create strong partnerships with parents and form links with wider community to enhance the children’s full development.
